Happy Birthday, H!

Henry turned 7 years old on June 10th. I can barely believe it! To celebrate we went to Nickel City and then to dinner at Brick Oven.
For his birthday he got some new books, another fidget spinner, some Minecraft Perler beads, a penny board skate board, and some MInecraft stuffed animals.
At age 7 his favorite food is spaghetti. He loves to play with Dawson Moore and Ty Sorensen. He loves to play Legos and cook "cheese tortillas". He still loves Minecraft the video game and anything else that has to do with it. He is working on reading this summer.
He weighs 69 pounds (96th percentile) and is 52.8 inches tall (99th percentile). Nathan and I are excited to see how tall he is when he grows up.
