Carter is 18 months

My baby is getting so big! Carter turned 18 months in February. He is such a sweet and cuddly little boy. He loves to give hugs and kisses.
* He loves monkeys! He has 3 monkeys and about as many blankets that he sleeps with. When I put him to bed at night his monkeys get kisses from him and they give each other kisses.
*He loves Ranch dressing and Ritz crackers. We have to hide the ranch when we eat it at dinner. He literally wants to drink it. He just loves sauces. He's always looking in the pantry or the diaper bag for something to eat. 
*He has had 1 day in nursery and it went really well. He sat on my lap for the first 30 minutes and then got down and played and was fine the rest of the time!
*He is busy and gets into cupboards like a normal 1 year old.
*He doesn't really like to talk. He has around 10 words, but he just prefers to point and whine. When I ask him to say a word he says "nuh!" and shakes his head no.
I LOVE this baby!! He is so fun!

At 18 months here are his stats:
Weight 25.6 lbs    68th percentile
Height 33.5 inches 82nd percentile
Head 18.75 inches  56th percentile
