Henry's Birthday Party

We had a wonderful party for Henry's first birthday on June 18th. We had lots of good food and even better company! Henry was a good sport and seemed to have fun. He really liked his lion cake. He ate quite a bit of it. We played a game where we had a picture of Henry from every month of his life and everyone had to put them in order. Jennie won!

I made William and Henry coordinating shirts for the party, but I never got a picture of them together showing the shirts. They were cute brothers!

Grandma Monk thought that Henry's cake looked good so she decided to sample it after Henry was done :-).

It was so much fun! We are so grateful to everyone who came to celebrate with us- especially my family who travelled from Arizona. Happy Birthday, Henry! We sure love you!

Here are Henry's 1 year old stats:
Weight: 23.9 pounds 67th percentile
Height: 30 inches 54th percentile
Head: 19.7 inches 99.7 percentile


Amanda said…
He went to town on that cake! Very cute by the way. I should make one for Lexi since she loves lions so much. I've kept his invitation on our fridge cuz Lexi knows there's a lion on it so she'll always point at it & growl when she goes past it. Everything looks sooo good & so cute. Although, I do believe I requested blog credit on the shirt I altered for you:) I love the pic of grandma eating the cake. Cracked me up!!
Michelle said…
You always know how to throw the cutest parties with perfectly matching decorations/cakes. So cute!
Jenni & Stanton said…
Between you and Amanda, you guys are quite the party throwers! You are so creative and everything looks so cute! I want to be a cute little mom like you! And it's a little late but I can't believe your little guy is getting so big! I can't wait to see you all again!