I took William and Henry to the doctor on August 12th for their well-baby checkups. They are both healthy and doing well!
William's Stats
Weight: 25.6 lbs. 20th percentile
Height: 35 inches 68th percentile
Head: 19 inches 39th percentile
Two years old is a big milestone for William. His chance for a reoccurence of his hernia are significantly decreased after 2 years. Yay! At 2 years old he can: count to 10, walk up and down stairs by himself, speak in full sentences, sing a few Primary songs on his own (Popcorn, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wise Man and the Foolish Man), recite a few nursery rhymes (Pussycat Pussycat and Simple Simon), and express himself pretty well. He is learning to ride his tricycle. He loves swimming and reading books.
Henry's Stats
Weight: 12.9 lbs 76th percentile
Height: 23 1/4 inches 62nd percentile
Head: 16 inches 66th percentile
At 2 months old Henry smiles and coo's most of the day. He slept through the night for a few days in a row and then his reflux started bothering him a lot. We've made some adjustments and things have improved so we hope he goes back to being a good sleeper! Overall, he's a pretty happy baby.
Weight: 25.6 lbs. 20th percentile
Height: 35 inches 68th percentile
Head: 19 inches 39th percentile
Two years old is a big milestone for William. His chance for a reoccurence of his hernia are significantly decreased after 2 years. Yay! At 2 years old he can: count to 10, walk up and down stairs by himself, speak in full sentences, sing a few Primary songs on his own (Popcorn, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wise Man and the Foolish Man), recite a few nursery rhymes (Pussycat Pussycat and Simple Simon), and express himself pretty well. He is learning to ride his tricycle. He loves swimming and reading books.
Weight: 12.9 lbs 76th percentile
Height: 23 1/4 inches 62nd percentile
Head: 16 inches 66th percentile
At 2 months old Henry smiles and coo's most of the day. He slept through the night for a few days in a row and then his reflux started bothering him a lot. We've made some adjustments and things have improved so we hope he goes back to being a good sleeper! Overall, he's a pretty happy baby.