Crazy Weather!

I woke up Monday, May 24th and looked out the window and saw this: This is May people, not December. What is going on?!?

At least Nathan brought in our tender, young tomato plants. As the snow melted off of them it created a lake in the middle of our dining area. I wasn't very excited about any of it. At least our tomato plants seem to have survived.


Amber said…
I'm so happy Nathan rescued the tomato babies. I'm also so happy that on May 24, I woke up to 75 degrees in the morning and 93 by afternoon. Hot? Yes. But I'm so happy it wasn't snow. I just can't handle that kind of mean-ness from mother nature in May.
Heather said…
At least you had the option to bring yours inside. I watches as our garden box got covered in snow. :( I don't think some of them made it.