Mommy's Little Helper

William loves to help around the house. Whatever Mommy and Daddy are doing he wants to help with. He loves to help with the dishes, cooking dinner, mopping, sweeping, feeding the kitty, etc. A few weeks ago he was playing in his room. I went in to check on him and noticed that his laundry hamper was tipped on its side. I picked it up and noticed that it was completely empty. It was full of folded, clean clothes. I didn't remember putting the clean clothes away but I didn't see any on the floor, so I decided that Nathan had put them away and had forgotten to put the basket back. A few minutes later I walked by the dryer and noticed that it was open and full of clothes. William had taken all of his clean clothes and put them back in the dryer to help me! I still can't believe that he didn't miss any of them. I fully expected to see a trail of clothes on the floor, but he was very thorough. Thanks for your help, William!
We've had cousin Emma over a couple of times while Kellie and Cade are moving into their new house. William has so much fun with her. He loves to hand her toys, give her hugs and read her books. Emma loves to smile at him and it is so adorable, but I couldn't catch it on camera!

And then he likes to try out the baby things around the house...


Amanda said…
That's so cute that he did the laundry! Now you just need to teach him how to fold and put away properly. jk! And he's so cute with Emma. Hopefully he's gentle with Henry. Is that when he was getting in the bassinet and saying "Baby Lexi's bed?" Cute little boy! He just barely fits.
Rachel Hair said…
Hopefully this laundry episode shows he will be a clean boy when he grows up too! That's great. He's going be such a good big brother!
Amy/Austin said…
What a cute helper! He is such a sweet boy!