Happy Easter!

This year Easter Sunday fell on General Conference weekend. So, we spent the weekend with the Bleaks. We had so much fun! The next week William got to wear his new Easter suit and matching tie with Daddy to church. What handsome boys! William looked so grown up!

Easter morning

Once William found out that the Easter eggs had candy in them, Easter became his new favorite holiday!

One of William's new favorite hobbies is playing with play dough. He had lots of fun playing with Grandpa over the weekend.

Grandma made an Easter egg treasure hunt for William. He really got into it and loved it.

William loves his aunties! He wanted to swing with them all day.

The Easter bunny also brought Wills a baby doll. He really likes babies lately. He loves to feed his baby her bottle and then give her a paci. He's a very good Daddy, probably because he has such a great example.


Heather said…
He is loved for sure. I'm glad you guys had a great holiday.
Amanda said…
Oh he looks so handsome and grown up in his cute little suit!! And you can tell he is downing the Easter candy. I love that kid!
Kristin said…
He sure is a cute one! He's definitely grown up. I hope you're doing well!
Amy/Austin said…
I just love that he has a little suit! That is the cutest thing ever! I also love the picture of him feeding the baby. He's going to be such a good big brother!