We live so close to the mountains and Provo canyon that we feel we need to enjoy it more. On Saturday we decided to have a picnic in the canyon for dinner. We had lots of fun. It was so beautiful! While we were taking the previous pictures, William was doing this. Pouring the salad dressing from dinner all over the blanket and himself and playing in it!
Wow Nathan's shirt blends in well with a picnic tablecloth. Just kidding! I'm not saying that to be mean, just because you were so sure I didn't like it when you bought it:) I like Will.i.am's face in the top one-that looks like his "I'm annoyed and uncertain and going to whine and cry" face
Aw, I kind of hoped it was Wills taking those pictures of you and Nathan. I'm glad he found a way to keep himself busy though. I just love how Megan can't just pour something out, she then has to take both hands and smear it as fast and far as she can (can you hear the sarcasm?). Ah, kids. The canyon is beautiful. We were talking the other day about how we do miss the mountains.
The canyon is beautiful. We were talking the other day about how we do miss the mountains.