Family Pictures

We got our family pictures back!! I am so happy with them. Our photographer did a great job. There are lots of cute pictures. It's harder than I thought to capture a picture with all 3 of us smiling and looking cute. This one is by far my favorite. The whole experience would have been worth it to me just for this picture. I love it of all of us!

Here are some of our other favorites...

Nathan's favorite


Kristin said…
This pictures are DARLING! Seriously, I love them. You are all so photogenic!
Amber said…
They look SO good!!! Argh, I need to have us take some soon.
I really love the first one too. Yay for new pictures. Yay, we see you in person so soon!
Our guest bed came last night--you should be sad that you won't get to sleep on the leaky airbed.
Michelle said…
Cute pictures! They turned out so good!
Keisha said…
What a cute family!! William has an amazing smile and he is only 7 months (I think I got that right :)) HOw fun!!
Amanda said…
They look so good! He looks so cute. He must really love me to smile at me that cute:) You two look like you're engaged again. haha. But they look good!
Andi Fitz said…
Those are adorable pictures!
Heather said…
I'm your new blog stalker, I hope that is okay. VERY cute pictures by the way. you guys should be on the cover of a magazine or something. William is a cutie! I love his little dimpled cheek.
Heather said…
can I put a link on my blog for your blog>
What cute pictures! You guys look adorable!
Chelsea said…
What a beautiful family!! I miss you guys