Fun with Daddy

My cute boys just hanging out reading William's favorite book, "Gatos y Gatitos." (Neither one of them speaks Spanish but it's fun to try.)

About every night Nathan gets William ready for bed. We usually put a onesie under his pjs because his room is cold. On this night he was wearing a collared shirt. Nathan decided to leave his shirt on him instead of a onesie. When he zipped up the pjs he realized his shirt had a collar. When he came downstairs he said that "Wills is so preppy he even sleeps in a collared shirt."

Then I asked Nathan to take a picture of me and Wills...I think he needs a little more practice. :-)


Maren said…
"That is such a cute picture. Where did you get your blinds? Oh! You and William are in the picture too!"

Cute! I love your blog! I think Wills little one sided dimple is awesome. It really is a cute picture of you and Wills. A collared shirt and a baseball shirt = A preppy sports nut he will be. (with a little ballet in there, right Stephanie? :))
Amber said…
Yay! Gatos y gatitos. I really think you should bring that when you come visit because I would love to hear Nathan's espanol skills. How good for Wills too--that multilingual-ness will really pay off :)
And yes, Nathan's picture is not SO wonderfully centered as your he should practice I think. But at least William is smiling SO SO big-- I love it!
Chelsea said…
There is nothing better than watching your "boys" interact. I am sure Nathan is such a great dad. Your little guy is so dang cute, that smile is heart melting, I bet you can't get anything done
Hey girl! William is so darn cute! Shoot me an email and I'll send ya an invite to my blog. See ya Sunday...or tomorrow.
Kristin said…
Your boy is precious! I love this pictures!
Unknown said…
What a cute family! It's weird seeing Bro. Bleak in regular clothes!