Who likes rice cereal more?

We started Wills on rice cereal about a week ago. He's still getting used to it. We thought we'd let you vote on who likes it more- Diaw (the cat) or William?
NOTE: We feed Diaw after William is finished. They do not share spoons, although it may appear that way!


Amanda said…
I vote for none of the above, because I think you like it most, Stephanie!:)
Anonymous said…
I was wondering about the sharing of spoons. You never know, some people might think it was good for the cat and William to be so close . . .
Shauna said…
That baby just keeps getting cuter and cuter! And I would never suggest that you put him in the safe - if it's waterproof and fireproof it's probably not very oxygen-friendly. BTW - when I said 'baby' I meant Wills, not Amanda. Sorry, Sweetie!